JesusFreke’s AndBlog
JF1.5 ファームアップデートもリリースされました (^^)
ADP1.5 HTC 版からの主な変更点は
* I’m now including a much better Superuser app, courtesy of zinx
* I’ve rebuilt the kernel and enabled netfilter support, to allow tethering. I recommend aNetShare
* You can see/download both paid and protected apps in the market
* Luke’s multitouch kernel patch and browser patch have been ported to the .27 kernel and 1.5 browser.
* Support for the “apps to sdcard” hack. There’s not a separate “apps to sdcard” build. You can use the same build whether you are doing apps to sdcard or not. Thanks to haykuro for explaining how he’s done this in his images, so I can make my builds compatible. See here for a tutorial on setting this up.
* I’m not including a recovery image in this build. I ran into some snags getting all of the recovery features to work with the 1.5 recovery image, so I’ll forgo that for now. If you don’t have a spiffy recovery image yet, I’ve packaged up the most recent recovery image from JFv1.43 as a separate update.
Haykuro, TheDudeOfLife, JesusFreke と複数 Builds があって迷う (^^;
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